My tree is decorated, the house has lights, and almost all of the gifts have been purchased. Not wrapped.... let's get serious! I can't get all of that accomplished during Thanksgiving break!
Another BONUS.... It's time for the big TPT Sale! Just click on the picture and use the code CYBER2016 to save on all those items on your wish list!
Just in case you need to fill up that cart I've teamed
up with some other TPT Sellers to bring you....

Can't decide what to buy during the upcoming TPT sale? Look no further! These are my top three wish listed items on TPT by other teachers just like YOU!
Wish List Item #1 is a science packet to help you jump into studying living and non-living things! It includes printables, word sorts, hallway displays, anchor charts and more! Here are some of my favorite hands-on activities for this packet.
Students create their own riddles and put them in a pile. Each student takes a riddle and has to solve it by gluing it to the anchor chart. You can have them work independently or with a partner. It's lots of fun and gets the kids "talking" about their thinking process.
My favorite part of this packet is the end of the unit assessment. Instead of a test, the students create a project showing that they can identify the difference between living and non-living things. Just take a piece of construction paper and fold it in half. On the inside the student cuts and sort the pictures that come in the packet. It is easy to differentiate for higher learners by adding a writing requirement to their project or having them add additional pictures to their project. The kids love completing this and having so much fun they don't realize it's an assessment.
Wishlist Item #2 is everything you need to make your kids LOVE reading centers again! And you TOO! These centers have been a game changer for me! It includes six different centers that you set up and you are done! It only requires changing out a few books here and there. Can I say NO PREP each week! YES, PLEASE!
It comes in 3 different themes to fit any classroom. If you are looking for another theme, please email me and I can create one to match your classroom!
Here is a look into the Paw Print themed pack. It has 6 different centers. Each center has directions and all of the printables that the students would need to complete the center. The only thing you need are some picture books, tiny stickers, and some colorful crayons/markers. It's things that you already have in your classroom. Just organize each center into a folder. Once you set it up, you are ready to have uninterrupted time with your groups while the students complete their centers.
You can check out the different themes by clicking on the links below:
Rainbow/Kid Themed
Safari Themed
Paw Print Themed
Wishlist Item #3 will help your kids become masters at singular and plural nouns. It includes an interactive anchor chart, projectables to teach the skill, a matching game, cut/paste activity, and printables to practice the skill. Just spend a week on this packet and your kids will have this skill down!
Here are the anchor charts to teach the skill. Just open the pdf file and use your projector to show the slides. Pick slide/presentation view to use them just like a PowerPoint. The kids love seeing them on the screen to look back at during independent work time. I put them up each day when we work and if I forget one of the kids always reminds me.... Where are the charts?
My favorite part of the packet is creating a word sort as a class. It makes an amazing anchor chart and the kids take such pride in their work. All of the pieces to the chart are included. Just cut them apart and give each student/group some pieces to glue onto the chart. It lets them get out of their seats and interact with their classmates.
Take a look at the TPT Wishlist Linky! I know you will find some goodies you just have to buy. I know I did!!!!!
You will be glad you read all the way to the bottom! It pays off to read!!!!!!
Want to win a $70 TPT gift certificate to use during the sale? I've teamed up with some sellers to do an Instagram Blog Hop. Just click this picture to go to get hopping. Hurry the hop will soon! I really hope one of you wins!