Sunday, August 2, 2015

The last day....

It is here!  The Sunday before we go back to work!

I've been busy getting stuff ready for my classroom, putting the finishing touches on my presentation for district learning day tomorrow, and of course filling my wish list for the TPT sale that starts tomorrow! Use code TPTX0 at checkout!

One of the big things on my TO DO list over the summer was to create a spelling choice board for kiddos and it was just finished this morning!  

It is very similar to the homework choice boards that I made before that have math, reading, writing, and spelling.  This one focuses just on spelling.  You can use the choice boards for homework or for independent work in the classroom. The kids really love the choice boards because of the variety of assignments they get to pick from.  

The packet includes 11 different boards, so the choices are endless!  They start off easy and get harder.  This packet has a BIG emphasis on writing with the spelling words!

The kids will be coming to meet me on TUESDAY!  No, my room isn't ready yet!  However, I just had a HUGE, AMAZING idea and my teaching BBF is on her way to my house so that we can make some amazing things for Meet the Teacher Day!  Check back soon and I will post pictures and a link to get all of the materials for the day for a FLASH FREEBIE!

Happy Teaching!

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