Thursday, August 6, 2015

Meet the Teacher! FLASH FREEBIE!

I have meet my new kiddos and parents!  I always seem to forget how little they are at the beginning of the year.

Our district had a day this week when the parents and kids could come to school, find out who their teacher was, and bring in supplies!

This was the first time that we have done this and I was really worked up with how to manage all of this in my room.  I knew that I wanted to set up stations and make it adorable!  So my teaching BBF and I worked and laminated well into the night.  I am so excited with how cute it all turned out!

Here are some pictures!

I organized the stations so that each set of desks had one station on them.  

As the parents came in I greeted them and found out how everyone was getting home that first day.

I showed them to Station #1 and explained that they could move through all the stations and see me when they finished.

At this station the parents filled out all of the paperwork for the office, clinic cards, and information about their child.  I put a cup of pens at any station where they would be writing.  I started off the day with five pens at this station.....  I ended with only one!  Such is a teacher's life!

At this station the parents helped their child put their binder together.  I made cute cover sheets to put in the front pocket.  I let the kids take their binder to any seat that they wanted to sit at the first day.  They really got excited when they heard they got to pick their desk!  I can't tell you how much time this saved me from having to put these all together myself the first day!

A teachers most dreaded task.... SUPPLIES!  I put out a bunch of bins and the kids sorted all of their supplies!  How easy was that!  Best of all I don't have to mess with all this stuff the first day!

Who can't use some extra supplies?  I wrote a few items we needed on these hands and I am happy to report that within an hour they were all gone and I was able to write some more!  I have the greatest parents this year!

So this is a little sample of the stations I used.  I also had a station where the kids got a little treat from me.  I made these station signs in green, but my BFF wanted red, so I included that in the packet as well.  After I made this I realized that my supplies and stations might not work for everyone, so I also made an editable version as well.  The signs, supply labels, and student treat cards can be customized for your own classroom.  The file is in Powerpoint and included in the packet.

Here is a preview of the packet!  Click on it and it will take you to my TPT store. You can download it for FREE!  It's a flash freebie until August 8, so tell all your teaching friends!

This has been a crazy week getting ready for the kids!  I can't wait to settle down into a routine and start the new year!

Have a great year and enjoy your kiddos!

Happy Teaching!

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