Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Time to start the new year....

I made two goals for my class this semester.  Of course one of them is to knock our state testing out the window!  Isn't that every teachers?  The other is to work really hard on writing two to three solid paragraphs at a time.  Tomorrow we begin!  Here are the generic rubrics that I made to help me evaluate their writing this month.  Click on them to download them from Google Docs.
 My idea is that if we can write and publish at least one piece a week, then I can use the weekend to grade them.  We have only been writing one paragraph so I think this is a big goal for us, but I know they can do it.  We will be working on some anchor charts tomorrow in class, so I will post some pictures of what we come up with. 

Tomorrow our topic is to write about a snow storm.  I thought this would be an easy topic for them to generate different ideas for multiple paragraphs.  Keep your fingers crossed and I will let you know how it goes.

We also going to slowly start to get ready for state testing.  I know no one wants to think about it, but it will be here before you know it.  Over break, I took a really good look at my students' data on Discovery and what is on the state test.  I made a list of things that I know we need to try again and of course the stuff we haven't even covered yet.  Each week I picked one ELA skill that we need to revisit.  It won't be anything other than a quick review.  I also purchased a test prep file on ELA from my favorite place....  TPT!  For S.S. and Science I have picked one skill/standard for each week and my student teacher is going to make sure we cover it with a few quick mini-lessons during the week.  Since math is my favorite, I spent my break writing a test prep packet for 3rd grade that follows the same format as the ones I have already done for 1st and 2nd.  I think it turned out great and I know my kids love to "flash" the card to show me what the right answer is.  It has 150 multiple choice problems, number "flash" cards, and an answer key.  You can take a look at it and download a preview by clicking on the picture.

Happy Teaching!

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