Sunday, January 12, 2014

Covering Lots of Topics!

We might have only had school three days this past week, but boy were we BUSY!  Since it was a really short week I decided to hit the ground running and work extremely hard on writing.  We haven't moved past writing one paragraph until this week and I was so pleased with how well the kids did with it.  It took us two days to work through the packet, but it was well worth it. We started off by working through the first picture and discussing what we would put in a 5 paragraph story.  Then I showed them another slide that I had written my own 5 paragraph story about winter.  They really enjoyed naming which part from the slide below went with my story.
 Then we all worked on using this graphic organizer to get our ideas down on paper.  My student teacher and I edited them with the kids to make sure their ideas were on track.
 Finally we all wrote rough drafts using our graphic organizers and published them on this cute paper.  I was really pleased with how well the kids did. Click on any of the pictures to see more!
We are getting ready to jump into fractions!  I love to play BINGO with the kids, so I made this today to include for some fun in our unit.  It has several things that I am going to use as centers or with the whole group.  You can click on the picture to see it in my TPT store.

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