I spent the first two weeks of June in Nashville training to lead professional development. One of the sessions dealt with the new Tennessee Standards for ELA and math. The other was a special session designed for 4th grade teacher to dive into fractions. (I'll blog about that another time.) Both of them were AMAZING!
While I was in Nashville I managed to lock my keys in the car. Yes, my car beeped at me over and over to tell me that it didn't want to lock, but I forced it to. I was in a hurry and wasn't thinking. Thank goodness that my insurance covers people popping your locks. (Please check and see if yours does! You will be glad you did) Just a phone call, they pinged my phone to get my location, and in ten minutes a nice man had my car open. (Lesson - When your car beeps it is trying to tell you something!) When this happened I said that things couldn't get worse.... I was wrong.
The next day I got that call.... the call that NO PARENT wants when they are 3 1/2 hours away from home. It was my husband letting me know that our youngest son was pitching at a baseball game and was hit by a line drive. He needed me to find a place to take him because they were certain it was broke. I think my heart stopped for a second.... I have always worried about not being there if he ever got hurt and now I'm hours away and can't do a thing. Thankfully the wonderful people at Marriott took my insurance information, called to verify a fax number with ER, and got everything taken care.
Jackson was lucky.... I mean extremely LUCKY! It turns out that when he released the ball, the batter hit it hard and it was coming straight for his head. Had he not put his hand up, he would have been hit in the head. So as bad a broken hand was, things couldn't have been so much worse.
Then I realized.... his injury would keep him out of TN Future Stars. We were suppose to leave in three days. Jackson wanted to give up his spot so that his team would not be down a player, but after contacting the staff of TN Future Stars the decision was made that he would still attend. With sad eyes and a broken heart, we ventured off to take part in the experience that was so amazing last year. While he didn't get to play, he experienced another year of working like a college football player. He came home more determined than ever to work hard and make his dreams come true.
We made a quick trip to visit my parents on their 51st Wedding Anniversary. I was walking behind my mom and Jackson when it hit me.... 13 years ago I walked behind them down the sidewalk at our house and took a picture just like this. He was much smaller of course, but I remember thinking to myself how could I love two people so very much.
That's when I realized.... SLOW DOWN! Enjoy each day! Make them all count.
So here I sit realizing that this summer went by TOO FAST! All of the things that were on my "list" never got done and I'm OK with it. I spent the last two weeks being a MOM! Yep, I sure did! I volunteered at my son's new high school for two football events and enjoyed time with him. I think we might have gone to lunch almost everyday and I wouldn't trade that time for the WORLD! Don't tell my husband!
So while you start making goals for this year.... put family FIRST! Every year I make goals for school. While I am still working on those, the first goal I made was to commit more time to my family. Enjoy being a mom and make every minute count!

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