The kids loved our first read of Groundhog Gets A Say. I've never used this story before, but I can say it is a KEEPER! If you aren't familiar with the story it is about Feb. 3rd and the groundhog is not happy that no one is paying attention to him. He lists all the reasons that everyone should celebrate the groundhog for a whole month! The kiddos loved it and the facts presented in the story were great. We were able to pick out the facts and opinions with ease!
This week I really wanted to review a BUNCH of skills that I am concerned we need a little more practice on. So I have planned a different review skill for each day that ties into the story.
Today we worked on plot. I projected this on the board and we filled it in together.
Tomorrow we are working on problem and solution. I'm going to work at the table with some of my friends that are struggling with this concept and the rest of kids are going to work with a partner to create this flip book. Don't you just love these fat groundhogs!
On Wednesday the kids are going to split into small groups and work on either vocabulary or cause/effect. Thursday we are going to start an opinion writing piece. Should we celebrate Groundhog's Day for a whole month? (In the story the groundhog thinks he is so important that we deserves a month long celebration!)
We are also working on good old fashioned facts about the groundhog by making this booklet. It's a great way to tie the science into the read aloud for the week.
This activity has everything you need to teach the whole booklet with projectable pages along with the student pages. It even has their "I Cans" and exit slips already done for you. It takes us about two days to do the whole thing. However, once we are finished we have read, cited evidence, discussed vocabulary, answered comprehension questions, and wrote about the facts we learned. This activity is one sale for only $1 this week in honor of Groundhog's Day! Just click the picture to see more!
I hope everyone has a FUN and eventful week teaching about Groundhog's Day!
Happy Teaching!

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