Tomorrow I will get to return back to my room and begin setting up for the new year.
My teaching BBF and I have done some shopping and I don't think anything makes a teacher happier than new plastic book bins. WE BOUGHT A TON!
Today I hit Cost Co and got a bunch of things to start the year off right. Who doesn't love a pretty new pen? I also decided to try a package of furniture pads to put on my student chairs. I hate how fast the floor gets all messed up. My son is helping me tomorrow and he will be so thrilled to get to put them on the bottom of the chairs. All of this for less than $45... Thank you Cost Co!
This summer my son had the honor to play for Team TN. He spent time at the University of TN training in their amazing facility and then traveled to Kentucky to play at Western Kentucky University. He was treated to the full college football experience. One of his favorite parts was staying in a hotel the night before the game. The best for me was that several family members that haven't ever seen him play made the trip to Kentucky to see the game.
I'm a worried mom... I admit it. I wasn't willing to just drop Jackson off at University of TN and come back to Memphis. We stayed in a hotel and attended as many practices and events as they let us. So we had a lot of down time and my husband found some of the best teacher stores ever!
All of these books cost me less than $40! I have a huge other stack that didn't make it into this picture. McKays Used Book Store is a gem! If you live anywhere near Nashville, Chattanooga, or Knoxville, you have to check it out. Lots of books that are less than a $1! The other amazing find was the Habitat for Humanity Thrift Store. The books were 10 cents! Yes, you read that one right!
I have made myself a promise. I am going to level my HUGE classroom library before the kids come back. I've made book bin labels and laminated them. I create stickers with the level number on them and have even done all the stickers for the books I bought over the summer. Tomorrow I will begin to make this promise come to life! Check back to see the pictures and a link to download all of the organization pieces.
Happy Teaching!

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