Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Inference and Arrays!

Hi Everyone!

Our big skills this week are arrays and making inferences.

We started out this morning looking at the title page for A Quilt Story.  We made a list of all of the things we thought about this picture.  Of course the first thing to tackle was the number of kids that didn't know what a quilt was.  It was all blankets to them!  So we had some fun talking about background knowledge.

We read over this anchor chart.  We talked about lots of examples and they really impressed me.

We worked on looking at real pictures and making a list of the

Then we compared ideas and together wrote a sentence to infer what was happening in the picture.  We only got two pictures done today, but it is a step in the right direction.  RIGHT? That is what I'm telling myself.

We are also working on arrays this week.  It might be one of my favorite skills to teach.  Last week we partitioned rectangles and I introduced repeated addition, so this skill is a BREEZE!

They feel so grown up now that they can multiply.  We worked strictly on white boards today. Tomorrow we are going to break out some stickers and make some fun projects to practice our arrays.

This is the anchor chart we made together after we practiced some problems.  With a little bit of help from me, the kids were able to come up with most of this themselves. I let each of them put one of the colored stickers on.  It's the little things that make them happy!

I have an open bulletin board right now.  That in itself is SHOCKING!  So I decided for the next few weeks to put the anchor charts for our weekly skills up on it.  This way I can showcase some of the amazing work that the kids do.  A little recognition for a job well done!

If you haven't heard TPT is having another SALE!  I'm having a sale, as are most TPT sellers, so get all those items off your WISH LIST!  I can't wait!  I have so many things on my wish list and I love to get them on sale.  Here is the code!  Happy Shopping!

I hope everyone has a great week!

Happy Teaching!

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