We were on fall break last week, so I decided it would be a great time to get my "ducks" in a row for the next 9 weeks topics.
We did a BUNCH of read alouds the last few weeks and my kids LOVE THEM! So I'm going with the Halloween/Thanksgiving themed books for the next few weeks. I figured that I could slip in a craftivity or two to go with the holidays, so I've been busy designing those. Check back later this week to grab the templates! Here is a little cutie I have been working on today. Can you guess what story he goes with? It is one of my favorites!
I try to be very systematic when we do our read alouds. I usually do them for 3 - 4 days. Each day we have a focus. Sometimes it is story elements, characters, problem/solution, and even grammar. My cute little mummy is part of a chart activity during a read aloud focusing on adjectives.
My books are already made, thanks to an amazing group of PTA moms. Having helpful parents makes all the difference in the WORLD!
Here is a sample of the pages from set #2. I am so pleased with how they turned out! Now that the kids are in the habit of doing these everyday, they can complete them in under 5 minutes! Can I say AWESOME!!!!!!!
I used to always make a sample up for the kids to look at when we did these types of activities and I felt like a chicken with my head cut off running around the room showing them what it was suppose to look like. I felt like someone was constantly calling my name because they needed another look. My solution was to make a PowerPoint slide of the finished product. It works like a charm! It is SO MUCH bigger than the sample I would make and everyone can see it. Here is the slide I used for this project.
Here is one of the kids papers before we added the color to it. We picked any number and did the writing first.
Then we added color to it, cut it out and put it on black construction paper. I hung them on our door and they look so cute! It is festive and in the spirit of HALLOWEEN, but still educational!
Today was also GOAL SETTING DAY for AR. This year I have really taken a different approach to AR and it is working so much better. I have conferences with the kids and talk about where they are in their reading and what types of books they should be reading on their own. I have a HUGE range of readers this year, so I feel like it is really important that they understand where they are and be PROUD of how far they have come.
Each grading period (we are on 9 weeks at a time) we select new goals. We fill out AR Goal contracts and sign our names to them. Then the kids take them home for their parents to review and sign also. This has been a BIG help this year having the contracts so that we are all on the same page. During the grading period, I send out updates so the parents know how many points their child has earned. The contracts have really helped get the parents more involved and the kids are reaching their goals much faster.
So that is a WRAP for today! I am one tired teacher.
Let me leave you with a happy picture. A few months ago we rescued a sweet dog that had to loose her eye due to owner neglect. Adopting a dog is hard and it is especially hard when she is considered a special needs dog due to her medical problems. When we got her she was shaved bald due to all of the surgeries and it has been a struggle as we watched her fur SLOWLY grow. Thanks to my sweet groomer that took the extra time to try and get BOWS in my little girls hair because she knew that her momma wanted them badly! SHE IS ADORABLE!
I hope everyone has a wonderful week!
Happy Teaching!

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