Saturday, July 25, 2015

Focusing on some new ideas!

I only have a week of summer vacation and then it is OVER!

Where did the summer go?  I ask myself that every year.

Today I finished up a bunch of new things for my kiddos this year!

I didn't do so well with AR last year.  I am ashamed to admit that my kids earned the least number of points in my grade level.....  sad!  I have a board, goals, and prizes but they just weren't into it.  One of my goals this year is to get my kids excited about reading and taking tests.  I looked around on Pinterest and got a few ideas. Then, I turned to my teaching BFF.  Her kids always have a ton of points and....

It's All About AR was BORN!

An easy to use, cute way to keep everyone on track with their AR goals!

It has lots of choices, so it matches anyone's room.  I wanted green, but my BFF had to have red!  So I've included different options.  It even has a parent letter to be signed and returned, so you know they are aware of their child's goal.

I have also finished the final part of my Superhero Math Fact series.  Kids struggle with math facts, so I wanted to find a different system to make them more successful.  It started off with addition and now multiplication is complete.

Each packet follows the same format.  The facts are broken down into 3 different sections (instead of just the 1's or 5's.) and all of the printables look the same.  This way the more advanced kids can move on and my strugglers can take more time.  It has lots of practice pages and the facts come up over and over to give them more practice.  Each section ends with a color page where you solve the math fact and color accordingly.  My kids loved this part!

Superhero Addition

Superhero Subtraction

Superhero Multiplication

Superhero BUNDLE!

I've taken the addition packet and made them into booklets for my kids to start right away!  I don't know why, but kids LOVE things bound together in a booklet!  

Tomorrow I am off to Nashville for a last minute get away with my teaching buddy, her daughter, and my son.  We are taking them back to school shopping....  two teenagers...  wish us LUCK!

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