Monday, June 15, 2015

My Summer Plans and Joining the TPT Seller Challenge!

Summer is finally here!

My summer plans are packed full of fun!

I couldn't be more excited for all of the great things that are coming up for my blog and TPT store!

I am even more excited about going to VEGAS for the TPT conference in a few short weeks!

My blog is finally getting a MAKEOVER!  I've hired a wonderful TPT author to create a new look for my blog.  My hope is that my new logo will be ready in time for the TPT conference and the blog is fully up and running over the summer.

I spent last week teaching some amazing teachers in TN.  We focused a lot of the instruction on reading and specific strategies for helping all our kids. The best part for me was hearing all of the wonderful ideas from the teachers in my sessions.  I've got several new ideas that I can't wait to try out on my kiddos this year!  I will be teaching the sessions for two more weeks, so I promise to blog about what we are doing in the sessions and show you some pictures.

I am joining into the fun with the TPT Seller Challenge!  For the next few weeks I am following the challenges set up by some amazing TPT authors to help me make my store better and increase my followers!  This week's challenge was to revamp a product that I currently have.  This was on my to do list last year and I didn't get them all done, so this challenge was exactly what I needed to get moving on revamping some old ideas!

Here is my "evidence" for the challenge.  I can't believe how much better it looks!  It will be FREE in my TPT store for the next 24 hours, so please download it and leave some feedback!  Keep checking back often because as I complete these challenges I will be putting a product up as a FLASH FREEBIE!  So you don't to miss any of them!

Here is the NEW and IMPROVED "Whooo" is Even and "Whooo" is Odd packet.  I can't believe how much better it looks.  I added a printer friendly version of the game cards for folks that don't have access to color ink.  You can download it for FREE for the next 24 hours!  Just click on the picture and it will take you to the product.  

Happy Teaching!

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