Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Dare to Dream!

This week's TPT Challenge was a tough one for me....

Dare to Dream!

Easier said then done.... very hard for me to put into words.

What are my dreams?  What is really important in life?  What do I need to accomplish to make a difference in this world?  I have done a lot of thinking and here are my thoughts....

To live a full and happy life....

#1.  Be the best parent I can be!
My two boys are my world.  As much as they drive me nuts, I can't imagine life without them.  I have to work hard to balance being a parent, a teacher, and everything else on my plate.  My boys need to come first and sometimes we just have to be reminded of how important being a good parent is.

#2  Bring JOY to my kiddos each day!
This is something I make happen in my classroom.
You might be the only person in the whole world that cares about that child, so make them feel loved. Sometimes the hardest kids to love are the ones that need it the most.

#3  Continued success with TPT!
TPT has been an amazing opportunity for my family.  It has paid for a much needed surgery for my husband.  That surgery gave him his life back.  He is now able to do everything that he had only wished he could do before.   We have finally been able to take real vacations and move to a new home. So yes, TPT have been life changing for us financially.  But more importantly it has given me a new drive and focus for teaching.  The lessons and activities I do with my kiddos are more engaging and complex thanks to TPT.  TPT has made me a better teacher!

#4 Make the world MORE AWESOME!
Yes...  that sums this challenge all up.  Tell someone they are AMAZING and mean it.  Let's all make this world AWESOME!  Not only for ourselves, but everyone around us.

My dream is to make the world more awesome.  Do I know exactly how to do it?  No, but I am going to keep trying!


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