Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Intervention.... gave it shot!

Well tonight I am still thinking about my day with the kiddos....


Teachers have been doing intervention forever, but until recently no one mandated the time and the skills that we taught to those small groups of kids.  I spent the weekend trying to decide what to do until we give the IStation test and then have specific things we have to cover during our intervention.

After a lot of thought....  we just need to read.  So that is what I have been doing for the first two days of intervention.  We are just reading, reading, and reading the same text over and over.  After just two days I can certainly see a difference in their fluency, so mission accomplished. I'm making progress! Yesterday I tried to have the rest of the class work on map activity while I did Intervention, but that turned out to be a disaster!  Today I went back to what I know....  simple math centers.  I gave the kids a partner and they played addition bump and guess what everything went fine!  No one needed me to help them or settle a problem, so I'm leaning towards letting the middle kids work on math centers during Intervention.

I'm very excited to be participating in the TPT BOOST sale tomorrow.  It is only a one day sale and you need to use the code BOOST to get up to 28% off your purchases!  Click on the picture to hop on over to TPT.  I know I have filled my cart with a bunch of center games and ELA stuff for my kids!  Can't wait to buy them on SALE tomorrow!


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