Thursday, January 16, 2014

Noticings and Wonderings!

Something new for me this year is my "Noticings and Wonderings" board.  "Noticings and Wonderings" is something I learned about in my Common Core training this year.  It is very much like an exit slip to wrap up your lessons.  At the end of some of my lessons I wrap it up with "Noticings and Wonderings."  The kids grab a sticky note and write something about the lesson.  They don't have to put their names if they don't want to.  Here is a picture of my board.  It is nothing fancy, (guess that will go on my to do list)  but my kids love when we use it!
I used a dry erase board that is in the corner of my room.  I give the kids some options for their sticky each time.  They can ask me a question, tell me what we learned, or answer my question from the lesson.  I put a question directly tied to lesson that most of the kids should be able to have mastered.  This was a lesson on comparing fractions.  Here is one of the sticky notes from the board today.

I had to include this one!  It has to be one of my most favorite ones I have ever read!

It is hard to read but it says,

Can we work more on this?  Please!!!!

What more can I say......

Make each day count with your kids!

Happy Teaching!

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