Monday, December 23, 2013

A little Christmas Cheer!

I can't believe that Christmas is just two days away.  I thought that I would share a photo tonight to show you a part of my other life!  Yes.....  that family that is so neglected from time to time.  I follow several teacher blogs and one of my favorite parts is seeing the pictures of their families!  So I decided in the year 2014 I would make it a habit to add a little bit about my family from time to time.

The only thing my youngest son wanted for his birthday last month was a dog.  We adopted our new friend Dewey from a local shelter.  At first I have to say, that I was sure that I had made a mistake.  His story was heartbreaking.  He had to be shaved almost bald because he was covered with matted fur because the person that had him wasn't taking care of him.  So he looked a little ragged and he was the poster dog for ADHD medication!  The whole drive home I thought I have made a huge mistake.   However, after one day I quickly learned that he was the best dog ever!  I couldn't have asked for a sweeter and more wonderful dog for my family.  Here is his newest picture.
I honestly think he might have more presents than my kids!  I am so glad he picked us for his new family and I can't imagine life without him.  Here is to Dewey's FIRST Smith Christmas!

I hope each and every one of you have a wonderful holiday!

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