Saturday, November 16, 2013

Thanksgiving Fun!

Thanksgiving is almost here!  I don't know if I am more excited to be off for a few days or stand out in cold for Black Friday!

I've started gathering up some fun ideas for the kids.  We only have school on Monday and Tuesday of Thanksgiving week, so we might as well have fun, fun FUN!

I started a new Pinterest page just for Holiday Ideas for Grades K-5.  Take a look at all of the fantastic ideas people have.  Here is the link for my new board:

Here are some of my favorites:

Click on the picture and it will take you to the Holiday Pinterest page and then you can click on the picture to go to the directions.  These are just a few of the great things I found.  I've already started pinning things for Christmas!  Can't wait!

All of these amazing ideas do not belong to me, I found them all on Pinterest and I can't wait to do them with my kiddos next week!

Happy Teaching!

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