Sunday, November 3, 2013

Dig DEEP into Common Core Reading!

Sorry, I know I have been MIA for a few weeks.  The husband decided it would be a great idea to get sick and land in the hospital for a week!  At least I used the time to get some things made for my classroom.  Nothing like coloring on one of those hospital tables.

A few years ago I had this ring of cards with a reading questions on it.  I have no idea where I got it or who made it.  All I know is that I miss it!   In the move this summer, I lost them and really wanted to make up a new set.

I loved having them in different places in the classroom so I never had to think about which question to ask next.  I even made a few sets so the kids could use them during Turn and Talk time to help them ask each other higher level questions when they got stuck.

So since I have finally given up looking for them, I decided I had to try and make them again.

Here is my latest creation! 
It has 66 questions and each question is aligned to the Bloom's Taxonomy level.  You can take a better look, by clicking the picture to go to my TPT store.

Happy Teaching!

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