Tuesday, September 24, 2013

More Anchor Charts!

Well this week is FLYING by!  Over the weekend I found some really good ideas for anchor charts that I made with the kids this week.

My school does Mountain Math and Language.  Since I am new to the school I am still in that lay low stage!  Ha Ha!  Well long story short, the teacher I replaced left the language, but we can't find the math.  So I decided to make up something myself to take its place.  Where did I turn?  Pinterest of course!  Here is the chart that I made.  We use Number Journals to write all of our answers down and then go over when we start math.  The kids really enjoy it and I feel better that they are getting this practice everyday.  Today was our first official day of doing it and they cracked me up.  We are going over the number sentence section and I had fifteen hands fly up to give me the answer.  Boy was I wrong!

They actually wrote a sentence that had a number in it.  Today's number was 438.

" I have 438 really amazing baseball cards. "
" My family lives on 438 Sunhill Drive. "

I laughed so hard!  The one thing they learned today is that a number sentence means the same thing as equation.  Tomorrow we will do better at this!

I was reading a post by a math teacher that said that children believe that an when they see an equal sign the answer is coming next.  The more I thought about it I realized that she was so right.  So I designed this anchor chart with the help of my kids.  Now I am sure they understand what an equal sign means.

 Have a great day!

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