Saturday, August 3, 2013

Something Fun for Your Room Mom!

I wanted to start the year out with something fun for my new ROOM MOM!  She was so sweet and offered to be our "helper" for the year!  I didn't have to beg or look sad at parent night!  YIPPPEEEE!  Here it is.....  The Amazing Room Mom Binder!

The Amazing Room Mom binder helps your room mom get set for a easy year.  It has everything from parent contact information, student birthdays, monthly calendars, and even a page for you to fill out of all your favorite things!  Here are some pages from it.  You can click on any of them to take you to the packet.  The first person to buy one and email me will receive The Ultimate Teacher Binder for FREE!  Yes, your reading it right!  Your going to get the more expensive product for FREE!  Just purchase it, leave feedback for it, and send me a message through TPT and I will send it to you.  Once someone wins, I will post a notice on the website.

You can see The Ultimate Teacher Binder if you scroll down on the posts.  It is truly something that I am already using and I am finally organized this year.

I hope everyone is getting ready for a BRIGHT and AMAZING New Year!

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