Seems like just yesterday we were unpacking boxes for another year.
Over the years I have learned from my many, many mistakes!
Here is my list to PACK like a BOSS!
#1 - Do not be a HOARDER!
Get yourself a box of GLADE trash bags and go to town!
Take time to throw away anything that you didn't use the last two years. (Face it - chances are you don't need it!) Go threw all of the books in your classroom library, if they are torn up or missing pages, into the trash they go! Have some sweet kiddos go threw all of your buckets of supplies. If it doesn't work, write, or glue - OUT IT GOES! My kids did this Friday and had a BLAST!
Why is this #1 on my list. My friend next door. She is a convicted teacher HOARDER! Just last week she came to show me that she was throwing away a HUGE stack of blue DITTO papers! Yes folks.... those old blue ditto machine worksheets from our childhood!
Don't be a hoarder!
#2 - Be a Photographer!
Take pictures of areas of your room that you loved! This will make it that much easier to set back up when you return in the fall.
#3 - Clean, Clean, Clean!
Get some Clorox wipes and clean it before you pack it. No sense in packing dirty bins. You will thank yourself later.
# 4 - Organize!
Take the time to organize everything. Put everything by subject in the same area. If something is missing a piece..... Throw it away!
#5 - Taking Home!
Only take home things you know you will use. One year I took home several boxes that sat in my garage all summer and never got opened. Don't do it! I limit myself to 2 boxes of things I plan on working on. Everything else stays!
#6 - Label each Box!
Put things together in a box and label it. Run off a bunch of papers with your name and room number on it. Use plastic tape to secure each box with a label - write in marker what is in each box.
#7 - VIP Box!
As you pack label a special box VIP! Put anything you need to set up your room in the fall. Scissors, tape, glue gun. staples, Ziplocks, markers, glue sticks, and anything else. This saves me so much time when unpacking because you can set up at the same time.
Label this box with bright paper so you can find it easily!
#8 - Box it Small!
Collect a bunch of boxes. The best place to get them for free is a liquor store. (Ha! Ha! I am totally serious and while you are there.... pick up a couple of bottles!)
Think about the poor people that have to move things during the summer and pack lightly. You will thank yourself when you don't break your back in the fall!
#9 - Work in Stages!
Don't try to do it all in one day. Start the week before and do little things. It makes it much easier and way less stressful! If you try to do it all in one afternoon, you will end up just throwing things in boxes and come fall it will be a disaster!
I hope these little suggestions make packing up a little easier this year!
Enjoy your summer and take the time to relax!
Happy Teaching!