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Monday, July 28, 2014

First Day Back for the 2014-2015

Where did the summer go?  It went by so fast and I can't believe all the things that I didn't have a chance to get done.  Oh well, I guess they can be first on the list for next summer vacation.

One of my goals over the summer was to make more freebies for TPT.  The first freebie is an adorable banner that you can make those first few days of school.  I'm going to put a ribbon clothesline in the hall and attach the banners with clothespins.  I am planning on leaving it up for parent night.  Click on one of the pictures to download it for free.  The packet has a page specifically made for each grade, so make sure that you only print the one for your grade.

The other freebie for back to school is an easy to use conduct report.  I don't know about you, but I really needed a checklist that I could use real fast to get those conduct grades out.  Click on it and go to the file to download it for FREE!  I hope these make life a little easier these first few weeks of school.

I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL and HAPPY first few days of school!

Happy Teaching!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Hello from Las Vegas!

I have been here since Tuesday enjoying Vegas with my husband and son.  All I can say is....  WOW!

The hotels are amazing!  Staying at the Venetian is something that is hard to even put into words.  It is beautiful.   I can't wait to take a gondola ride with my favorite boys.  We have eaten at some fantastic and fun restaurants.  I have to say one of the most fun for my son was The Heart Attack Grill.  The waitresses are dressed as nurses and everyone who enters must put on a hospital gown and get an ID band.  None of the food was healthy of course, but oh so yummy!  So far my favorite show has to Mystere.  How in the world do all of those stunts and tricks?  Everywhere you look is fantastic shopping and the casino are so much fun.  As of right now I am up almost $100.....  GO ME!  Pretty good for just the penny slots.

Of course, I am so excited for the TPT conference tomorrow.   I've already meet a few people that will be at the events and can't wait to meet some of the people that I have gotten to know over the last year.  To celebrate this first ever event and to thank all of the people who have purchased my products, everything in my store will be 20% off all day Friday and Saturday (July 11th and 12th).  Click on the store banner and it will take you to my store!  HAPPY SHOPPING!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Heading Back to Second - Let's Celebrate with a Back to School Freebie!

Yes, you read it right....  I'm heading back to SECOND GRADE!  I couldn't be more excited to be returning back to second.  I learned a lot this year in third grade and have a serious understanding how "prepared" they really have to be to be successful after they finish second grade.  I have added some must have skills to be list and I'm ready to hit the ground running in August.  It was a great experience this year  and I will surely miss my third grade team!

To celebrate my move to second, I have added a new freebie.  I really love to make banners with the kids.  We did a lot of banners this past year and the kids really enjoyed them.  This is a great activity to use those first days of school to help the kids get to know each other.  They make a great display, so I thought what better way to start off a new year than with a banner project.  This one has a page for each specific grade, so when you download the file make sure that you only print the grade level you need.  It is written for first through fifth, so please pass along to your other teacher friends!

Just click on the pictures and it will take you to TPT so you can download it for FREE!

Please don't forget to leave feedback for this new freebie.  I'm working on several other things, so please check back in the next few weeks.  I've made it a goal to post at least five new freebies over the summer!

I will be in and out the next few weeks.  I am finally heading to visit my parents and in less than a week I will be boarding a plane bound for Las Vegas to attend the first annual Teachers Pay Teachers conference!  I'm so excited to meet all these amazing teachers and learn from them.

So relax and happy planning for a BRIGHT NEW SCHOOL YEAR!